The works within this category fully harness the power of color, the strength of contrasts, and different textures as the sole tools for expressing emotions, fantasies, etc.

Las obras dentro de esta categoría son las que utilizan plenamente la potencia del color, la fuerza de los contrastes y las diferentes texturas como únicas herramientas para expresar emociones, fantasias, etc.

RASPBERRY NIGHT, Diptych 5’x5’ per panel, Mixed Media

BOUNDARIES, 40”XC40”, Mixed Media

CUATRO CIELOS, Quatrefoil, 6” X 66”, Mixed Media

SEGMENT, Diptych 2’xC4’, per panel, Mixed Media

ALATED, Diptych 3’x 3’ per panel, Mixed Media

SAVAGE, 60”xC48”, Mixed Media

CITRON, 30”x 24”, Mixed Media

EASTERN VISIONS, Diptych 16”xC40”, per panel, Mixed Media